Terms & Conditions


This policy statement sets forth guidelines which implement the regulations of sponsoring agencies concerning the procurement of consultant services and adapt these regulations to the needs and established processes of One Source Business Solutions llc hereby known as OSBS of Southwest Missouri.


This policy is applicable to activities under all externally funded research, development, training, and educational service grants and contracts involving payments to individuals for advisory or other personal services, the costs of which are borne wholly or in part by the grant or contract funds or which are used to satisfy cost-sharing requirements of the grant or contract.


A consultant is a particularly well-qualified person who is retained as an individual to give professional advice or services for a fee, and who is not an employee of the organization that engages him/her. This term includes paid guest lecturers and speakers. It does not include advisory or other services rendered by firms or organizations.


OSBS reserves the right to vet all clients for authenticity: this includes but is not limited to buyers, vendors, and private clients. Our vetting process is ever adapting to ensure we’re able to provide safe transactions and trusted relationships for all sides concerned. The vetting process may be adjusted depending on the situation and client, but each investigation will be as thorough as we are capable of.

The vetting process may consist of the following…

  • 15 Minute Authentication Phone Call, Zoom, or Facetime Call
  • Verification of DUNS and CAGE codes
  • Review of Supporting Documentation: Supporting Documents may include prior sales documents, company licensing, certifications, reports, past completed purchase agreements, or any other necessary documentation
  • In-Person On-Site Inspections
  • Full Background Check

After the authentication process, an MNCNDA – Mutual Non-Circumventive Non-Disclosure Agreement will be sent by OSBS to the client. If your company requires its own draft, OSBS will review the documents and sign what is necessary. Contracts are discretionary based upon the needs of the work and term of services. Our MNCNDA lasts for 1 year duration.

Retainer Fees

All payments and fees, deposits and or retainers, are subject to the project spectrum.

Policy Statement 

OSBS should retain external service providers only when the skills required are not available or able to be provided by the OSBS team. External Service Providers normally possess specialized skills, knowledge or credentials that are not readily available among OSBS’s team, and the expertise is provided on a temporary basis.

Fees charged to OSBS for services must be appropriate for the services rendered and the External Service Provider’s qualifications.  External Service Providers must be selected in accordance with OSBS’s competitive bid policies.  Contracts with External Service Providers for Professional Services and Consulting Agreements, including PSA templates, must be signed by an authorized person before the commencement of work.

OSBS is a certified WOSB – Women-Owned Small Business

  • DUNS | 117510360
  • CAGE Code | 8KS26
  • SIC | 51990000
  • HIPAA | 221946